6 + 1 Tip To Kick Start Your Day

6 + 1 Tip To Kick Start Your Day

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6 + 1 Tip To Kick Start Your Day
6 + 1 Tip To Kick Start Your Day


  1. Avoid Hitting Snooze
  2. Drink water to start your day
  3. Breakfast should be full of energy
  4. Stretching wakes up your body
  5. Spend a few minutes meditating
  6. Get ready for your morning the night before
  7. Bonus Tip: To Kick Start Your Day: Develop healthy habits slowly and consistently

My morning routine helps me get out of the door faster and prepares me for whatever the day holds. You should start your day off with a successful and productive morning routine. Here are 6+1 morning habits I recommend you add to your routine to promote wellness and efficiency. 

1. Avoid Hitting Snooze  

The temptation to sleep just a little longer is powerful. It is easy for those additional five minutes to turn into 30 minutes. Getting up when your alarm goes off gives you plenty of time to prepare for the day. Getting out of bed and moving around right away can be hard, so here are some tips for making it easier. 

Do not ignore your alarm or snooze it. Rather than rushing out of bed, take a few deep breaths and countdown before you get up. The ten or five countdown gives you time to prepare for waking up. 

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2. Drink Water To Start Your Day

Drink plenty of water through lunchtime, especially if you drink coffee, which can dehydrate you. If you don’t like plain water, you can add a mix-in, preferably sugar-free.

For breakfast, avoid sodas and other sugary drinks. Limit caffeine intake to two cups in the morning if you need it. Additionally, Mr. Healthy recommends watching the cream you add to your coffee since these products are high in fat and sugar.

3. Breakfast Should Be Full Of Energy

Instead of white bread and simple carbohydrates, Mr. Healthy suggests cooking oatmeal or granola for breakfast.

Complex carbohydrates will provide you with energy throughout the day and won’t spike your blood sugar levels like simple carbohydrates,” Mr. Healthy says. To provide sustained energy, it’s also helpful to incorporate protein, such as yogurt or egg whites.


4. Stretching Wakes Up Your Body

Starting the day with a full-body stretch or yoga is recommended by Mr. Healthy. You can start the day off right by moving your muscles for a few minutes.

“During sleep, your body is stiff,” Mr. Healthy says. After you wake up, do a few stretches to get your blood flowing. My morning yoga practice also helps me focus.”

A morning run may also be beneficial to some people. Don’t worry if getting up early to exercise doesn’t work for you. You can do cardio workouts at whatever time of day suits your schedule and preferences, according to Mr. Healthy.

5. Spend A Few Minutes Meditating

Start your day off mentally by practicing mindfulness or meditation for a few minutes. For the day, Mr. Healthy suggests focusing on one word or phrase.

Mr. Healthy suggests trying to focus on the big picture if you have a busy day. “Breathe deeply and concentrate on that to relieve stress.

6. Get Ready For Your Morning The Night Before

You need a nightly routine just as much as a morning routine. Put everything you need for tomorrow out the night before so you don’t have to worry about it the next day. To help you fall asleep, set the thermostat to a cooler temperature. The lights should be dimmed and electronic devices put away before bedtime, according to Mr. Healthy.

According to Mr. Healthy, blue light affects your circadian rhythm. “Don’t check your notifications or emails – that will keep you awake.”

A balanced circadian rhythm can be achieved by waking up around the same time every day. It will be hard to fall asleep on Sunday night if you sleep in several hours over the weekend, so Monday morning might feel groggy.

Bonus Tip To Kick Start Your Day: Develop healthy habits slowly and consistently

Mr. Healthy says consistency is critical to a successful morning routine – do it every day. One habit at a time is the key to building a routine.

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