HNE Exercise Library

HNE Exercise Library

Healthy & Exercise brings clear and simple instructions for carrying out strength exercises. The instructions will help you do any exercise correctly without risk of injury and with required goal in mind. All the instructions provide an animated image to give a full guidance.

Upper Body Exercises

1. Push ups

Man doing a push-up
Push Ups

How To Do Push ups Right

2. Triceps dips

How to do a triceps dip
Triceps Dips

How To Do Triceps Dips

Lower Body Exercises

1. Squats

A man doing a bodyweight squat

How To Do Squats Right

2. Jump Squats

How to do a jump squat
Jump Squats

How To Do Jump Squats Right

3. Lunges

How to do a lunge right

How To Do Lunges Right

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