Sixpack Saturday #11

Sixpack Saturday #11

Here is the Sixpack Saturday list #11 of our tips for improving physical fitness, healthy diet, and lifestyle.

1️⃣ Great exercise equipment: Looking for useful and mobile training equipment? Kayezen is a provider of a dial-in resistance tube system designed to deliver single and multi-vector strength and athletic exercises called Vector.

2️⃣ Exercises, training plans, and guides: Fitness courses and challenges by Oxygen Magazine will help you improve your physical health. With them, you will get in shape while having fun. Why not try The Oxygen Challenge 7 – the 90-day fitness + nutrition program?

3️⃣ Health, fitness & wellness supplements: Delicious protein by The Protein Works and protein snacks, vegan products, and a lot more sports nutrition of any kind. TPW offers high-quality protein powders, vegan products, and other sports nutrition products. The products help people reach their fitness and health goals. On the TPW website, you will also find a wide selection of snacks and meals that are packed with protein and other essential nutrients.

4️⃣ Meal delivery service: Fresh ingredients and delicious yet easy recipes, Blue Apron will deliver them to you 7 days a week. Check out this yummy meal kit delivery service.

5️⃣ Live classes and on-demand workouts: Three categories of workouts by Les Mills – group fitness classes, HIIT classes, and fun classes for kids and teenagers.

6️⃣ Reviewed fitness apps: Best places to get your workout, wellness, and beauty treatment found on Mindbody super useful app for Android and iPhone or other iOS devices.

Mr. Healthy & Ms. Exercise

Mr. Healthy & Ms. Exercise aggregates the best health and fitness websites for excellent training, supplements, food tips, and health & lifestyle improvement. To see and visit any of the websites, check out this page. The Sixpack Saturday #11 and other weekly Six-Pack Saturday lists bring tips & tricks about health, fitness, and diet. Check out the Tumblr archive or Pinterest boards.

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